
First development screenshots

Here are some screenshots, so you know what we are talking about.
The level design is almost empty, but you can get an idea of the type of geometry.
First screenshot: the doomguy is on a summoning pentacle, teleporting a little army of monsters, beyond the wall.
You see some writing on the bottom right corner: this is a messaging console, useful for letting the player know what's happening. Useful for debugging also. The final layout will have 3 minimal buttons in the other corners, each one activating transparent screens for roleplaying stats, points, inventory, plot records, and various menus. The layout is still in a design phase.

Second screenshot: I'm shooting the monster. The red number indicates the hurt points subtracted from the monster's LIF total. The red number appears, then floats up and fades out.
When LIF attribute reaches zero, the monster is dead. More complex calculations may be added in the future conforming to Action!System rules.

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