
Not only Lineart with Inkscape

A world of possibilities with this simple but perfect software: Inkscape.

I started drawing vectorial in 1992 with Corel Draw. Soon the next releases became bigger and bigger, but the software grew unstable and uncomfortable for the designer who doesn't need cliparts or a nice interface, but need solid import/export and trans-format copy&paste, or a quickly adjustable grid system.
So I quitted Corel Draw for Designer, but this software became heavier too.
Plus, you can't dream of working on both dxf, cdr and ai in a team using both Windows and MacOS and Linux without having importation troubles.
The solution is the open file format SVG and its main and most complete  editing software: Inkscape.

I use Inkscape since 2005 and followed its releases until now. I think the latest releases are stable and fast.

Lately, a few weeks ago, I found that you can easily edit a isometric world with this fantastic software, and there is plenty of tutorials about the way to do this:

AhNinniah's Isometric projection in Inkscape

Inkscape's Creating Isometric art in Inkscape

Tuts+: Play with isometric projection

I used the last one to setup the grid in Inkscape, for editing the levels in DumDum.

Extremely recommended.


Action! System core rules

This wonderful rpg system has its roots in Cyberpunk 2020 rpg system and its ancestors.
Anyway, I found many updates to this, so you have a more flexible system, more solid and extensible.

For example, managing unhuman characters is easier than in 2020 system; you can insert characters advantages and disadvantages in a Hero System style; also the friday night fever system has its righteous successor, where hurt/stun/death status is well defined.

Last but not least:


If This Then That

Nice utility to connect web apps: "If this then that" lets you define a rule so that when a trigger is activated on an app, then an event happens on another app.
For example I used this tool to make Facebook post a new link when a new post is created on this blog.

This is not the only one and not the first app managing this task, but it's far the simplest.

Absolutely worth a try!


Unwad - extract data from wad files

This is one of the most useful tools for working with Doom.
A minimal command, but full of features and parameters to extract the resources contained in a wad file.
This let me obtain all the sprites and sounds from doom 1 and 2 in a glimpse.

It works both with Windows and Linux.
Of course, I used the Linux version, on my